Monday, January 13, 2014


An anniversary is the date in which an event took place in a previous year.  An anniversary is something that you generally celebrate.  An antiversary is the opposite.  It is something that you do not want to celebrate.  One year ago tomorrow, my life changed forever and not in a good way.  One year ago tomorrow, the bottom dropped out of the life as I knew it and I fell into the deepest, darkest, blackest hole that I have ever seen.  One year ago tomorrow, I was left alone in a pile of rubble and was forced to question everything that I had ever known.  One year ago today was DD#2.

But you know what?  I survived.  More than that, considering the circumstances, I think I thrived.  I actually like myself for the first time in I don't even know how long.  I am stronger than ever.  We are still married and I think that we are both committed to strengthening our marriage.  The Mister is starting to recognize some areas that he needs to work on.  As a couple, we have been taking some real steps forward.  But, I just know that as we get healthy as individuals, our relationship will really take off.

It was not planned this way, but it just so happened that we are leaving for a trip tomorrow.  The first couple of days are work related for The Mister, but we took the opportunity to extend this trip beyond that.  This will allow us to to have some time without the kids and the distractions at home to be able to focus on just us.  It's funny how life just has a way of putting things together, isn't it?  I can't think of a better way to spend our antiversary!

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